Millionaire Apprentice System by Michael Cheney

Six Features of the Best Internet Marketing System

The definition of the best internet marketing system depends on what purpose it serves you. Depending on what you are looking for, a marketing system can be a set of strategies, business models, or instructions. Often times the term refers to software that makes each repetitive online marketing task easy to manage and execute. An online business system could also be a combination of both marketing principles and software.

What Would an Internet Marketing System Look Like?

If you do not know what an online business system looks like, it is only because it does not assume a standard form or image just like most available internet solutions. You can secure an idea of what it looks like once you search for marketing content online. You will often find offers to purchase secrets of successful systems in the form of DVDs, books, podcasts, and videos. If the best internet marketing system were to take physical form, those would be it.

Common Internet Marketing System Features

Whether you choose to invest in a marketing package or a team of professionals, you will at least get the following features. Each package deal is different and experts might even throw in extra as the starting price increases. Without these must-have features, however, an online business system cannot truly count as the best.

1.  Specific Targeting

An internet system should provide the means to target and profile your leads further. This means the moment a visitor finds you online, the system should be able to track their activity. Through this, you can single out which content engages your qualified leads and eventually, their needs.

You can also make use of the information provided by online visitors. Data such as email receptivity, frequency of website visits, and filled form submissions should help in further segmenting your leads. By classifying your leads, you can make strategic changes accordingly or plan on how to strengthen certain content.

2.  Lead Conversion Through Management

For leads to convert into revenue, efficient management is the feature that should take over after you successfully classify buyers. The internet system you use should be able to rank qualified leads. The leads that scored higher than the rest for potential conversion, as well as those leads that need more work, should follow a specialized route. Each route should be able to convert leads, even those interested but unqualified prospects.

3.  Build Campaigns

The internet system you use can be the best and most competitive system if it provides you with tools or blueprints on how to create and build campaigns. From email to social media marketing ad campaigns, this feature of a system should be easy to use. Planning events or trial offers should not be a challenging task. The setting up of tasks should require little technical knowledge in running campaigns, designing landing pages, or making online forms.

4.  Analytics Tool

Creating different types of campaigns would be pointless if the system you use does not have a means to track your online marketing progress. However, tracking the results of each campaign is just one of the many metrics you as a marketer should assess. You also have to monitor lead generation, traffic trends, popular search terms, successful banner ads, click through rates, and then consider every aspect to change or further improve your existing campaign. In order to do all that in an organized manner, the analytics tool should be able to present results in formats that are easy to comprehend.

5.  Content Optimization

Content optimization is one of the features you need in an online business system. More than just sharing your expertise about any topic, there should be a solid plan on how to engage your audience. Careful selection of key words, titles, and description to increase visibility is just one area of the whole content planning stage.

You will need to schedule your stored ideas so that it will make the most impact when the time is right. How you will publish and distribute content is also something to consider. Organizing content with other marketing campaigns should be manageable with the help of a marketing system.

6.  Social Media Management

The best internet marketing system should provide a way to integrate social networking campaigns into your different online accounts. Updates should be easy to make. With a competent system, you can save ad campaign budget and time.

Pros and Cons of an Internet Marketing System

An internet marketing system can make your online advertising strategy work for you or against you. Chances are you want to find the best, but a cost-effective online marketing solution available. However, you are also aware that a marketing system alone cannot contribute to your business’ success. That is a realization where strategy is necessary. If you do not have strategy at the start of an online venture to gain brand awareness, there can be no tried and tested system that will do the job.

Even though you have made the crucial decision of investing in a website package or team of consultants, there is still that question nagging at the back of your mind. Will you get the better part of the deal? The only way to find out is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of using an internet system.


1.  Saves You Time

This is one of the apparent benefits of putting money on an internet marketing system. Next to generating income from converted leads, saving time on the development of the online business is a clear advantage. Compared to carrying out website tasks alone or by inexperienced staff, a marketing system can free up time for productive planning. Especially if you run a small or medium sized business, time in learning website management can be a hassle. With internet solutions, you do not have to worry about time lost in tasks such as monitoring traffic.

2.  Saves and Earns You Money

Most online marketing systems claim that their solutions are cost-effective. More than just saving you money, they will help you earn it through driving traffic and converting visitors to leads. No matter what type of business you run or which industry you belong to, internet solutions that can help boost sales are available. With the right site builder or expert consultants, you can maximize your ad campaign budget by bringing in the pros.

3.  Attract The Right Leads and Aid Traffic

The internet industry is one lucrative niche, since those who first recognized its profitability are now experts. They have learned the science governing traffic to build solutions for those who are not too internet savvy. Creating content can be easy, provided you know your topic intimately. Without the help of a blogging tool, however, your insight and creativity just might go unnoticed. Qualified prospects are unlikely to find you and people will grow less aware of your brand.

4.  Customizable

Instead of using different tools to track your results, a system can help you manage your leads in one place. A good system should provide you with a management capability for your leads. You should also be able to customize call to action buttons and build landing pages.


1.  Can Squander Time

For site visitors, intricately designed websites can take a long time to load. Instead of contributing to your conversion rate, people will most likely move on to the competing brand. An online marketing system should stick with simple aesthetics. However, not every package deal or consultant team share the same idea of what your site should look like or how it should run. Choosing quality tools or services is a priority.

2.  Operation Costs

Investing in a website package with a one time payment can be a risky purchase if you are not entirely familiar with its features. You can spend time learning it, but it is time wasted while the competition seizes what could be your leads. On one hand, if you work with consulting teams, you will have to deal with maintenance costs for post installation support.

3.  Security Issues

From competitors to common online users who might hack your system, an online marketing package can only do so much. If you have privacy issues, you have to deal with further risks in launching your business online. Even social media networks and technology firms have been hacked, which shows that anything can happen and anyone can obtain relevant information for economic gain.

4.  Marketing Strategy Can Fail

If you have your own marketing strategy that works efficiently with the use of an internet marketing system, then that strategy has to be reliable. If you rely on the formula or business plan of experts, then you lose the opportunity to observe what works yourself. A system cannot easily track what motivates your audience.